Gather the Troops

Today I’d like to focus on the different types of support staff you will require and what makes them so integral. There are essentially three key roles that need to be filled to set your business up for success: The Technician The Manager The Entrepreneur   All of these roles must be played simultaneously by […]

Are You Aiding & Abetting E-Myths?

Today we are going to embark upon a journey through the world of e-myths and debunk them to help you avoid falling into the e-myth trap. First, let’s take a minute to discuss what an e-myth is. An entrepreneurial myth, or e-myth, is an assumption that anyone can succeed at business with: Desire; Some capital; […]

Put Them in a Trance

We’re going to go through the 5 essential keys to a successful and reusable marketing campaign launch. Once you have these basics down, you can use them over and over again. The 5 essential keys are: Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Put an effective sales offer to work Avoid the marketing pitfalls Use a […]

PR Equals Free Publicity

There are three key areas of public relations you can use to boost your advertising results ten-fold over your paid advertising. The key to public relations lies in: Public relation or publicity Merchandising Promotions With a solid plan in place that encompasses all these areas, you’ll have a great approach to use public relations in […]

How Well Do You Know Your Vendors?

It’s extremely important to build relationships with your vendors and those around you can bring in new customers/clients and increase awareness of your company branding. The people you work directly with on your products and services are really the ones with the most to gain when you find success. By taking the time to get […]

Telemarketing is NOT the Anti-Christ

Today you’ll learn how to use direct mail marketing and, yes, telemarketing to your full advantage. I know, the word “telemarketing” might as well be four letters, but there is a way to help customers feel like they are getting personal attention and keep them from blocking your number! With the success direct mail marketing […]

Make it Pop!

There are 5 major components to good advertising copy (The order of these is essential to success): Command Attention Showcase Benefits of Products/Services Prove the Benefits Persuade People to Embrace the Benefits Call to Action Advertising is sales in print. So, you need to think about the unique benefits your products/services offer and showcase that […]

Educate Your Customers

Educate them about what, you may be thinking. Well, consider this, many businesses focus solely on attracting new customers, but you NEED to spend a good chunk of your time retaining current and former customers. These are people you already know to be a good sales potential…they’ve already bought from you! Take the time to […]